Phoenix Protective Order Attorney

Protective Orders

A protective order, also known as a protection order or restraining order, is an order issued by the court that provides an individual with legal protection from harm in the event of domestic violence, harassment, threats, or intimidation.

When an individual is a victim or potential victim of domestic violence, for instance, he or she may seek protective orders from the court to legally keep the abuser away. These orders may be either temporary or permanent in nature, with specific requirements for these orders varying depending on the situation at hand.

If you feel that you need a protective order because you or your child’s safety is at risk, contact a trusted Phoenix family law attorney at Goldman Law, LLC as soon as possible.

What Protective Orders Can Do

If the court determines that protective orders must be issued to keep an alleged abuser away from specific individuals, these orders may specifically state that:

  • The abuser must not contact the victim in any way while the order is in place
  • The abuser must not come with a certain distance of the victim’s school or place of work
  • The abuser must move out of the family home and cannot return while the order is in effect
  • The abuser must relinquish any parenting time and visitation rights that he or she may have

In certain situations, protective orders may also require the alleged abuser to attend counseling or anger management courses while still staying away from the alleged victim.

Emergency protective orders are typically in place for 24 to 48 hours, while temporary and permanent protective orders are in place for a longer period of time—possibly one year. The court will then review whether the danger still exists, and whether the court order should remain in place for an extended time period.

Important Notes about Protective Orders

If your life or the life of your child is in danger, keep in mind that protective orders must only be the first step in protecting yourself for the long-term. Work closely with an attorney to determine if it would be best for your situation to file for divorce from the abuser, or have the abuser stripped of his visitation or custody rights.

Also note that sometimes, an abuser may feel even more determined to contact a victim if an official protective order is in effect. It is therefore important to take action immediately by calling the local authorities to ensure that the protective order is enforced and that the abuser is held liable for his or her actions.

Contact the Phoenix Family Law Attorneys at Goldman Law, LLC

Do you need help with requesting or challenging a request for a protective order? Contact a trusted Phoenix family law attorney at Goldman Law, LLC immediately. We are ready to stand up for your rights and protect your best interests, and can help you get a protective order in place as soon as possible.  Our legal team can also help you with your other family law needs once protective orders have gone into effect.

Call Goldman Law, LLC at (602) 698-5520 or email us using the contact form on this page to schedule a professional case evaluation and learn more about your rights. We serve clients in Phoenix and all throughout Arizona.