Phoenix Contested Divorce Attorney

Contested Divorce

In Arizona, a contested divorce is a type of divorce in which both parties are unable to agree on one or more key issues necessary to terminating their marriage. Proceedings in a contested divorce are typically very contentious, and often occur when factors such as high financial stakes are present. In order to bring the divorce to a final resolution, a hearing known as a Permanent Orders Hearing occurs and is overseen by a judge.

Our Phoenix divorce lawyers at Goldman Law, LLC are experienced in representing individuals involved in a contested divorce. We are ready to fight for our clients’ best interests at every stage of the divorce, and see to it that they obtain the most advantageous outcome possible.

Hearings in Arizona Contested Divorce Cases

When it comes to contested divorce cases, a hearing involves presenting various testimony and evidence before a family court judge. The judge will then make decisions on issues such as:

  • Child custody
  • Child support payments
  • Spousal support payments
  • Division of marital property, assets and debt
  • Use or access to various property

In order to make a case in such hearings, some examples of issues and factors that could come into play are:

  • Psychiatrists, psychologists and other experts being retained to testify on issues such as an individual’s mental stability
  • Character witnesses such as relatives and friends being called to testify on an individual’s credibility
  • Financial records being presented in court if there are allegations of specific assets not being disclosed
  • Discrediting one of the parties in the divorce on issues such as alleged infidelities ad other misconduct during the course of the marriage

Contested divorce cases are generally argumentative in nature, and are often a time-consuming and costly process. To present the strongest possible case and obtain the most advantageous outcome to a contested divorce, it is best to have an experienced divorce lawyer on your side.

Contact the Phoenix Divorce Attorneys at Goldman Law, LLC

At Goldman Law, LLC, we understand how difficult and complicated a contested divorce case can be. If you are currently going through a disputed or bitter divorce, our trusted divorce attorneys are here to protect your rights and advocate your best interests in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

Apart from providing aggressive and superior legal representation, our divorce lawyers at Goldman Law, LLC can also be counted on to provide you with personalized attention and constant updates on the progress of your case.

Call (602) 698-5520 or email us using the contact form on this page to received a professional case evaluation. We serve clients in Phoenix and all throughout Arizona.